Database and Big Data Systems (2021)

Course Description

Database systems manage data which is at the heart of modern computing applications. This course covers the fundamentals of traditional databases, such as Oracle and MySQL, and core ideas of recent big data systems.

Students will learn important problems in data management that these systems are designed to solve. They will experience with the internal design and implementation of relational databases. They will also understand the internals of state‐of‐the‐art big data platforms, namely Apache Spark, and use them on Amazon cloud (Amazon Web Service). The students will be able to determine the advantages and limitations of different database systems.


The main resources are lecture slides, tutorial sessions, and online documentations. There are no official textbooks. But the following are useful for reference and deeper understanding of some topics.


Your final grade is computed as follows:


Check out the Project page for more details.


Email the instructors any questions regarding the course content and logistics. Email Daniel if you have questions or need help with homeworks and projects.

Late Policy

No late submission.

Academic Integrity

You can discuss solution and code with your friends. But you cannot copy other people’s code, including codes on the Internet. We will run project submission through a plagiarism checker.